
Monday, February 12, 2007

Lettering sample idea for book illustrations

Just a test sketch for how lettering might be put on each pencil portrait illustration in the book...
the downside of any name lettering of this sort is that the lengths of the people's names are different, therefore the lettering on each would need to be bigger or smaller, depending on the name all of them would not be the same - so although I kind of like the look of it and the idea, I think it might actually bring out differences rather than tie every one of the pictures together. We'd be in the same situation whether it's scrolls, banners, or something that looks engraved, because of the varying lengths of names.


Unknown said...

So they are NOT going to caption the artwork themselves?

DD said...

The book came out in 2007. We didn't go with the lettering on the pictures, as I expected. It just didn't add anything to it. Here's the book on Amazon: LINK